Tuition payment - updated July 1, 2021
• International students: NIS 35,066
• Students with Israeli citizenship: NIS 28,084
• Registration fee: $ 110
• Security fee: NIS 580
Please note: A complete curriculum is equivalent to 200% tuition fee. Every two credits are equivalent to one teaching hour, and each hour equals 8% of full tuition. Each student may complete the International MA Program in one or two years.
Complete Curriculum: 36 credits (18 hours)
The International MA Program at Melton Centre consist of 36 credits – 18 teaching hours. A student in the program will accumulate a total of 144% tuition (18 hours * 8%), in one or two years.
In any case, the cumulative tuition for every graduate degree will not be less than 200%, therefore students of the International MA Program are paying a supplement of 56 % (200% - 144%), the so-called "accrual completion".
How can students benefit from the accrual completion?
For example, by taking supplementary courses when required (each course 2 credits = 1 hour = 8%), up to 16% accrual. Regarding the 40% remaining accrual, the student can take additional courses ("surplus courses") in the program or retake courses he/she has started but not completed, or has not approved successfully.
For students who choose to study the program in two years (3-4 semesters online + one summer semester) tuition will divide as follows:
Every student must pay between 50% and 100% of the tuition during the first year of the program (remember: 100% tuition = NIS 17,226 for international students and NIS 13,781 for students with Israeli citizenship). During the second year, the remaining tuition balance must be paid (even if it exceeds 100% tuition).
A student that registers for less than 50% of tuition a year – for example, three courses (6 credits) which equals 3 hours = 24% tuition – will be charged 50% of tuition. In the first year, this fee will accumulate for the student’s accrual for the degree.
A student that in the first academic year registers for more than 100% tuition (more than about 14 credits), will be charged no more than 100% tuition. The balance will be transferred to the following year.
Graduation: The student is required to complete the degree within a maximum of two academic years.
What is a two-year academic year period? This is a total of 4 semesters + one summer semester. For example, a student starting the program in the fall semester of 2020 is expected to complete the curriculum by the spring semester of 2021; if the student started in the spring semester of 2020, he/she should complete the curriculum by the fall semester of 2022.
If the student did not completes the curriculum within two years, but has paid the full tuition fee, he will be charged 8% for every additional hour enrolled, + 10% overhead (out of 100%).
If the student has not paid the full tuition, he/she will pay the balance of the debt, including courses enrolled in the third year, + 10% overhead (out of 100%).
In the academic third year there could still be a minimum charge of 50% tuition according to the student's previous payments. In this case, it is advisable to consult the tuition department with this link.
For more information on tuition, please see this link.
Advance payment: The students of the program must pay a reduced advance payment. In 2020, the amount of the advance payment was NIS 962. The advance payment ensures the student's place in the program.
Installments: The student can choose to pay in installments, up to 9 payments depending on the number of hours he/she studies.
The first installment consists of NIS 4403 tuition, or makes up to this sum (discounting the advance payment when previously paid). In the second installment the student will be charged up to 35% of tuition (from 100% tuition, 35% of the tuition discounting the previous payments), and each remaining installment consists of an additional 10%, until the total tuition is completed.
Any change in the payment arrangement should be referred to the tuition section at this link.
*If a student does not meet the payment schedule as determined by the university, he will be charged arrears interest and indexation on the balance that has not yet been paid.
For more information on the payment schedule, please see this link.
Special Status: A student admitted on "special status" who does not join the full program, will pay for each teaching hour 5% of tuition + 10% overhead = 5.5%.
If the student is accepted as a regular student in the program, every hour he/she studied on conditional admission will be translated into a master's hour rate, and then the student will pay the difference between 5% and 8% of tuition.
Further questions regarding payments and tuition can be addressed to the tuition department with this link.
To apply for the M.A. Program:
1. Applicants with an undergraduate diploma from Israeli Institution
a. University Registration
b. School of Education Registration
Application instructions for candidates with Israeli diploma
2. Applicants with an overseas diploma:
Application instructions for candidates with overseas diploma
For assistance with the payment, please send a message
to the Whatsapp number: +972-54-8820830