Dr. Marcelo I. Dorfsman | International M.A. in Education

Dr. Marcelo I. Dorfsman

Marcelo Dorfsman
I. Dorfsman
Director of the International M.A. in Education

About Marcelo

Marcelo I. Dorfsman (Ph.D., Education, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) specializes in technology-mediated education and distance learning, areas in which develops academic and professional duties. Marcelo currently leads the Masters Blended Learning in Jewish Education, in English and Spanish Language, from the Melton Center in School of Education. 
In his private activity, Marcelo advises educational institutions in Israel and Latin-American in the area of teaching of educational technologies and distance learning.
Born in Argentina, he was Principal of the Martin Buber´s Secondary School, from 1989 until 2003, when he immigrated to Israel with his family.