Prof. Yehuda Bar Shalom, educator, counselor and researcher, has served as president of Hebraica University in Mexico City, the only Jewish University in Latin America. He has conducted numerous research projects on Education and Jewish Education for the WZO, the ministry of education, the JDC, Mofet institute and many more. He has authored 7 books and almost 70 articles on education, Jewish education , social entrepreneurship and consulting in psycho-educational settings, mostly from CBT approaches. He has been the Vice President of the David Yellin College in Jerusalem, the Dean of Education at the Ono Academic College. He currently teaches at the Hebrew University, the Ramat Gan College, and the College for management. . His book, Educating Israel: Educational Entrepreneurship in Israel’s multicultural society was published by Palgrave Mcmillan in 2006. This book analyses best practices in Jewish and general education in Israel.
Bar Shalom was invited by numerous Universities and other agencies around the world to give keynote addresses and workshops on his research subjects.